Check out our calendar and join us for shows and events!
February 2025
Fall Dates: October 11th - 13th 2025
Spring Dates: March 28th - 30th 2025
Entries open for the spring show on January 25th.
1. The rules of the Braunvieh Association of America (BAA) and ____(name of show)______ will govern the show.
2. Animals competing in the Braunvieh Show must be duly registered in the BAA Herd Book. A copy of the registration may be used for Braunvieh check-in.
3. Exhibitors must be in good standing with the BAA.
4. All animals exhibited must have a DNA profile on file with the Braunvieh Association of America. A hair, tissue or blood sample on the subject animal must be received by the BAA or BAA representative prior to the show. Nursing calves showing only at side of their dam are exempt from the DNA requirement. If nursing calves show in individual classes, they must then have a DNA sample on file.
5. All animals exhibited must have a known Braunvieh dam or sire and are subject to DNA verification.
6. Animals must be Fullblood or Purebred to qualify for the FB/PB Braunvieh Show. Braunvieh Beef Builders will be shown in a separate Beef Builder Show. Cattle recorded as “Braunvieh Influence” with a “BI” prefix are not eligible.
7. The BAA reserves the right to provide the judge and audience with the Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) values, ultrasound data (collected by a certified technician), scrotal circumference for bulls, weights and ratios for performance and weights with weight-per-day of age. Performance figures, (including weights, hip heights, and frame scores), can be presented in their entirety or any combination deemed necessary by the BAA.
8. Heifers born Sept. 1, 2021 and after will show in the heifer show but can show with natural calves at side and still be eligible to show for champion female/heifer.
9. Heifers exhibited at 20 months of age or older (not females in cow/calf class) must be pregnant and accompanied by a certificate of pregnancy by a licensed veterinarian, or show with a natural calf at side. For heifers used in embryo transfer, a certificate of positive fertility issued by a licensed veterinarian must be available for inspection. Any protest on pregnancy will be handled with a blood test to prove the pregnancy status.
10. Females born on or prior to Aug. 31, 2021 must show in the cow/calf class with a natural born calf at side. The pair will not be eligible for champion female/heifer. The registration status of the cow (FB/PB or Beef Builder) will determine the division the pair shows in. Calves from the cow/calf class can be no more than 230 days of age by date of show and calves can also be entered as individuals in the show (additional entry fee).
11. Bulls exhibited at 14 months of age or older must have a positive semen test and a certificate to that effect. The certificate must be available for inspection. Bulls 12 months and older will have a nose ring or nose lead to be shown
12. Altering animals’ natural color will not be allowed, violation will result in disqualification.
13. No cosmetic surgeries other than surgical dehorning will be allowed, violation will result in disqualification.
14. Only generally accepted fitting practices will be allowed. Violation will be cause for disqualification. Show committee will make ruling on case by case basis. Animals disqualified will forfeit entry fees, awards and show points.
15. Protests can be made to the Show committee with a $150.00 protest fee, within 24 hours of the show or prior to release, whichever is first, in writing to BAA staff or show committee members. Show committee will make rulings on a case-by-case basis. Animals disqualified will forfeit entry fees, awards and show points. If ruling in favor of protest, fee will be refunded. If ruling against, the fee will be forfeited.
16. Appeals can be made to the Show committee with a $150 appeal fee. Appeals will be forwarded with all information to the ethics committee and Executive Vice President. If appeal is granted, fee will be returned with reinstatement of show points and any other forfeited entry fees and awards. If appeal is denied, fee will be forfeited. Decision of ethics committee and Executive Vice President will be final.
Beef Builders and Fullblood/Purebreds will compete in separate shows.
Entries in the Heifer Show must be born Sept. 1, 2021 and after.
Entries in the Cow-Calf Show must be born Aug. 31, 2021 or before and show with a calf at side.
Entries in the Bull Show must be born Jan. 1, 2021 and after.
Group Classes may include Beef Builders and/or Fullblood/Purebreds. All animals must be shown in their individual classes to be eligible. Cow and/or calf may be included in group classes as individuals, not as a pair.
Age requirements for junior members in BAA affiliated Junior Braunvieh Shows:
Junior Show entries must be owned by members of the Junior Braunvieh Association of America at least 7 years old and not more than 21 years old on Jan. 1 of the year of the show. We recognize that some Stock Shows have specific minimum age limits for participation that override these recommendations.
The Braunvieh Fullblood Breeder’s Cup (BFBC) was designed to promote and preserve Braunvieh fullblood genetics. The BFBC’s ultimate goal is to get 15-20 fullblood heifer entries at any given show, which would allow for a separate fullblood champion drive. We aim for a $5,000 pot each year from nominations, memberships, and donations. Breeders must pay a $125 membership or sponsor an animal annually by May 31 to stay active. If a breeder fails to pay a membership fee in a year(s) it must be caught back up before a breeder is allowed to participate again.
Rules and Regulations
Anyone showing in the open shows is allowed to participate, as long as all other conditions are met.
*Participants and breeders must be in good standing with BAA. This includes payment of the annual membership fees – $25 for Juniors and $75 for adults.
*Heifers must be a fullblood and purchased or owned by a participating, current BFBC member.
*Breeder nomination fees must be paid prior to the beginning of show season or the first show the heifer is shown in; to be eligible to receive points. If a breeder has more than one heifer in the BFBC, the nomination fees will be $500 for the first heifer, $250 for the second heifer and $125 for each additional heifer.
*Nominations should be sent to the BAA office, 7607 NW Prairie View Road, Kansas City, MO 64151.
Checks should be made payable to BAA Fullblood Breeder’s Cup.
*Participants will follow the show rules and guidelines for the fall 2024 and spring 2025 shows, located on the BAA website.
*The BFBC will use the Ring of Excellence Program Shows, consisting of the following seven open shows:
Ozark Empire Days – Springfield, Mo.
Tulsa State Fair – Tulsa, Okla.
American Royal – Kansas City, Mo.
North American International Livestock Exposition- Louisville, KY
Cattleman’s Congress -Oklahoma City, OK
Fort Worth Stock Show – Ft. Worth, Texas
Houston Livestock Show – Houston, Texas
Participants may exhibit at all six shows, points will be allowed from each animal’s top five shows, and points will be awarded at each show based on placement. BAA will keep track of standings and post them on the BAA website under Show Heifer Standings.
Total points for the show season will determine the BFBC fund winner. Nomination fees and added
donations accumulated for the year will be distributed 40, 30, 20, and 10 percent, respectively, to the
top four breeders/heifers. Points will be tabulated after the Houston Livestock Show and awards
presented during the Braunvieh Junior National Banquet.
BFBC Committee
John Hall, chairman and secretary, 806-930-2560
Larry Lane 417-830-7318, treasurer
Edsel Keith 417-253-4693
Tom Cefalu 504-495-7459
This program will give attention on an annual basis to individual show-winning animals as well as sires and dams of those award winners. It will also give recognition to the Braunvieh show breeder of the year.
The award given to the higher placing animals and the winner of the greatest number of points include:
The Ring of Excellence program will consist of six shows. Points in each show will depend on the number of animals entered and shown at that event. The shows making up the program are:
1. Points are earned only form designated shows held within a show season: June 1-May 31. The winners will be referred to as the show bull of the year, show heifer of the year, show sire of the year, show dam of the year, and show breeder of the year.
Points Schedule
The breeder of a calf is the owner of record of its dam on the date of service. With the exception of ET calves born after March 1, 2007 if calf is result of a purchased flush and sire used it NOT owned or co-owned by owner of the dam. In this event, buyer of flush becomes breeder of record of these offspring. Paperwork to be filed with BAA and forms available from same.
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