Junior Braunvieh Association of America

become a member

Membership Application

2024-2025 JBAA Board of Directors

Kaylin Jacobs


Megan Shultz
Vice President

Coy Pittman


Colt Pittman

Ayden Wolken

Junior National Results 

Livestock judging


1st Owen Wolken

2nd Natalia Zeingenbein

3rd Annie Basinger


1st Annabelle Lehmann

2nd Paxten Wolken

3rd Sophie McGuire


1st Ayden Wolken

2nd Shelby Prazak

3rd Sydney Bickers



1st Leina King

2nd Riley Flowers

3rd Karley Schultz


1st Lennon Lister

2nd Annabelle Lehmann

3rd Ransom Richardson


1st Ayden Wolken

2nd Kaylin Jacobs

3rd Megan Schultz

Computer Generated Ad


1st Lennon Lister

2nd Cambree Pittman

3rd Colt Pittman


1st Shelby Prazak

2nd Jalyn Smith

3rd Kaylin Jacobs



1st Katie Alexander

2nd Foster Koetting

3rd Grayson Kraus


1st Landry Kraus

2nd Tana Williams

3rd Lennon Lister


1st Kaylin Jacobs

2nd Ayden Wolken

3rd Sydney Bickers



1st Foster Koetting

2nd Foster Koetting

3rd Grayson Kraus


1st Cambree Pittman

2nd Cambree Pittman

3rd Coy Pittman


1st Megan Schultz

2nd Shelby Prazak

3rd Sydney Bickers

quiz bowl


Owen Wolken

Kaylin Jacobs

Jeremiah Gonzales

Colt Pittman


Will Berry

Megan Schultz

Paxten Wolken

Emilee Alexander



1st Jeremiah Gonzales

2nd Katie Alexander

3rd Grayson Kraus


1st Tana Williams

2nd Landry Kraus

3rd Colt Pittman


1st Shelby Prazak

2nd Shelby Smercina

3rd Kaylin Jacobs



Lehmann Family


Wolken Family


Big Blue Braunvieh



1st Katie Alexander

2nd Foster Koetting

3rd Emilee ALexander



1st Katie Alexander

2nd Foster Koetting

3rd Emilee Alexander


1st Coy Pittman

2nd Colt Pittman

3rd Annabelle Lehmann


1st Kaylin Jacobs

2nd Sydney Bickers

3rd Shelby Prazak



1st Katie Alexander

2nd Emilee Alexander

3rd Foster Koetting


1st Tana Williams

2nd Elynn Zeigenbein

3rd Lennon Lister


1st Shelby Smercina

2nd Kaylin Jacobs

3rd Sydney Bickers



1st Katie Alexander

2nd Foster Koetting


1st Cambree Pittman

2nd Lennon Lister


1st Kaylin Jacobs

2nd Shelby Prazak


Kaylin Jacobs



Jalyn Smith


Thank you Supporters for making the 2024 NJBS Possible for 48 Exhibitors across 9 Different States!

Thank you sponsors

For Braunvieh Kids

Judy Brink Grant

Adding Value Buyers Group

Diamond H Ranch  •  W/W Cattle Co  •  Bagley Farms  •  Jay H Farms  •  Jernigan Farms  •  Old 13 Farms  •  R&D Farms  •  Brickyard Braunvieh  •  Collier Cattle  •  Windy Valley Farm  •  Superior Braunvieh Farm  •  Amy Johnson  •  Thompson Farm  •  M & B Cattle  •  Briscoe Cattle


4 Kings Ranch      Brink Livestock        Darkside Braunvieh        Prazak Braunvieh Farm


Bartley Livestock      Big Blue Braunvieh      Bluebonnet Braunvieh      Caney Creek Farms      Cedar Bluff Farm      Diamond H Ranch      EBL Welding      Lister Ranch LLC      Lucky 7 Braunvieh      Sullivan Show Supply      Wild Sage Collective

BAA Promotions Committee:

Todd Clubb      Jessica Alexander       Jordyn Walker      Natasha Gilbert      Scott Houghton      Mark Jones


Alexander Braunvieh


Bar S Bar

Cindy and Roy Stribling

Circle C Ranch

Cloud's Meats

Creeks Edge Braunvieh

Emma Lehmann

J Bar Braunvieh

Lea McWhirter

Lehmann Organic

Farm-Elmer & Carol


Mill Iron P Cattle Company

Old 13 Farms PFR Ventures, INC

Rafter K Braunvieh

Rafter W Ranch

Rock Creek Braunvieh

No Creek Ranch

Siebrandt Family Farms

Star Ranch

Tri C Cattle LLC

West Farms

By Laws

  • Article I

    Title The name of this organization shall be known as the Junior Braunvieh Association of America(JBAA). The Junior Braunvieh Association, hereinafter sometimes called “the Association”, is a division of the Braunvieh Association of America, hereinafter sometimes called “the BAA” in a non-profit organization.

  • Article II

    Mission Statement The purpose of the Junior Braunvieh Association of America is to develop

    educated, responsible, motivated beef industry leaders; and to promote an understanding of the

    values and directions of the Braunvieh Association of America and the Braunvieh breed.


    1. Offer education opportunities which will prepare members for a future in agriculture,
    2. ideally within the Braunvieh breed.
    3. Develop leadership and communication skills to enable members to become more effective
    4. beef industry leaders.
    5. Improve the network of communication between the BAA board, state associations, and
    6. BAA members.
    7. Provide members the opportunity to explore a wide variety of career opportunities.
    8. Expand the base of active, participating members by promoting enthusiasm for the
    9. Braunvieh breed through programs designed around the needs of today's youth.

  • Article III

    Membership Members of this Association shall be those young men and young women who are junior members in good standing of the Association or past junior members who have reached their 7th birthday, prior to January 1 of the calendar year, and have NOT reached their 22nd birthday, prior to January 1 of the calendar year.

    1. Application for Membership Applications for membership must be completed with all information called for on the official membership form. Junior members may participate in JBAA activities as long as they are not 22 years old or older on January 1st of the year in which the activities are scheduled. On their 21st birthday, Junior members must become members of the BAA, if they want to continue recording and transferring cattle at member rates.

    2. Junior memberships can be changed to active memberships by paying the active membership fees.

    3. Honorary Members. Honorary members are non-voting members who have been granted honorary membership in recognition of outstanding services or contributions to the Association.

  • Article V

    Parliamentary Procedure 

    All junior association meetings will be governed by Robert's Rules of


  • Article VI

    Board of Directors and Committees 

    The business and property of the organization shall be managed and controlled by the National Junior Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and JBAA Advisory Committee.

    The JBAA is governed by a board of 6 Junior Directors. In addition to those 6 directors, the immediate past president of the JBAA serves as an Ex-Officio member of the board.

    Powers of the Board 

    The National Junior Board of Directors shall have the power and authority to direct the affairs of the organization including, but not limited to, the right to make, amend, and repeal the constitution of the organization as they deem expedient concerning the conduct, management, and activities of the organization; the admission, classification, qualification, suspension, and expulsion of members; removal of officers; expenditure of money, and other details relating to the general purposes of the organization, subject to approval of the JBAA Advisory Committee.

    Executive Committee 

    The Executive Committee of the organization shall consist of the President, Vice-President, and Ex-Officio member of the organization. All powers of the National Junior Board shall be, and they are hereby vested in the Executive Committee. During the interim period between regular meetings, or special meetings, of the National Junior Board of Directors, the Executive Committee is empowered to direct the affairs of the organization with the approval of the JBAA Advisory Committee. 

    JBAA Advisory Committee

    The JBAA Advisory Committee shall consist of four active adult members of the BAA, appointed by the BAA Board of Directors, for an indefinite term. If, in the event that a committee member no longer wishes to remain on the committee, the BAA will appoint a new committee member to take effect immediately.

    1. The JBAA Advisory Committee shall follow the standard operating procedures that are in place and shall be responsible for coordinating the daily activities of the JBAA, including the coordination of the National Junior Braunvieh Show and advisement of the Junior Board of Directors.
    2. Junior National locations will be determined each year by the JBAA Advisory Committee and the Executive Committee. States/Associations interested in hosting the National Junior Braunvieh Show should fill out the host application form. 
    3. The advisory committee shall also act as a liaison between the BAA and JBAA to ensure an active line of communication.
    4. In addition to the four standing committee members, two (2) committee members will be selected annually by the JBAA Advisory Committee. Committee members shall serve a one year term. Committee members shall start and end their term in conjunction with the National Junior Braunvieh Show in June. Committee members shall attend all meetings of the JBAA including those of the National Junior Board of Directors and offer guidance on matters concerning the JBAA.
  • Article VII

    Election Process 

    The directors of the association shall be elected each year at the annual membership meeting held in conjunction with the National Junior Braunvieh Show (NJBS). Juniors wishing to serve as JBAA directors must complete the application form provided by the advisory

    committee. JBAA members in good standing of the association that are between the ages of 11 and 20 by January 1 of the calendar year, may apply to be a board member. If selected, members will serve a two year term on the board. No member is allowed to serve more than two consecutive terms, without taking a year in between terms. Current board members who hold positions that expire must reapply to be considered as long as they are within the age limit. Applicants not selected may reapply, provided they meet the age limitation. Applicants must resubmit an application for each term they want to be considered. Director candidates shall participate in an interview process with the JBAA Advisory Committee and the Executive Committee during NJBS. The selected candidates shall be presented to the membership and the election of said candidates shall be by the majority vote of those members present at the annual meeting. Terms Such directors shall be elected for a term of two (2) years and until their successors are elected and qualified. At the conclusion of this term, members have the option of reapplying for a second term of office, but may not serve more than two consecutive termsbefore a one year rest..

    Vacancies of Board Positions 

    Vacancies of national directors shall be filled by qualified members of the association after approval by the JBAA Advisory Committee, previously described and the National Junior Board of Directors. Such persons shall be appointed to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

    National Junior Board of Directors Requirements 

    Directors of the organization shall be required to adhere to the requirements hereinafter described, and to sign with their parent or guardian an agreement affirming their willingness to follow their prescribed guidelines.

    1. Director candidates must be an active member of the JBAA the year prior to the election and at the time of the election.

    2. Director candidates must have reached their 11th birthday and must not have reached their 20th birthday by January 1 of the year of election.

    3. Director candidates must complete a director’s application form by the specified date or the application will not be accepted.

    4. All Director Candidates shall be interviewed by the Advisory Committee during the NJBS. This committee shall submit a slate of director recommendations to the JBAA membership at the annual membership meeting prior to the election.

    5. Only those individuals who have completed the above stated form and interview by the stated deadline will be allowed to be nominated for election. 

    6. Elected directors must be present during the NJBS, JBAA Annual meeting and one additional event. Other obligations may include but not limited to conference calls, media productions and new member contacts. Attendance is required for all of these meetings. If a member of the Board misses two consecutive meetings without prior approval from the JBAA President and the Advisory Committee, they may be removed from the Board.

    7. All directors must realize the importance of parliamentary procedure and should have a working knowledge of accepted practices of parliamentary law. 

    8. Prior to serving on the National Junior Board of Directors, individuals shall be required to read the JBAA Board of Directors Policy Manual and sign an agreement specifying the requirements of the National Junior Board of Directors and recognizing said director’s commitment to fulfill their outlined duties. Violations of this agreement may result in that director’s subsequent removal from the National Junior Board of Directors.


    The officers of the organization shall be voting members of the National Junior Board of Directors under the guidance of the JBAA Advisory Committee.

    1. Presidents – President shall be elected by the JBAA Advisory Committee annually at the NJBS for a two (2) year term, the first of which he or she will serve as President while the second serving as the Ex-Officio. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall have general supervision over the affairs of the Association subject to the direction of the National Junior Board of Directors; shall preside at all meetings of the members, the National Junior Board of Directors and the JBAA Advisory Committee. The President shall appoint all committees of the association subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The President shall submit to the members annually at their meetings a report of the status of the association and its activities during the preceding year. The President shall submit an annual report of the JBAA and its activities to the general membership of the BAA during its annual membership convention. The President shall also be responsible for the presentation of the committee reports to the BAA Board of Directors. No director of this association may serve more than one consecutive year as President. The President shall have such other and further duties and authority as may be prescribed elsewhere in this constitution orfrom time to time by the National Junior Board of Directors and JBAA Advisory Committee.

    2. Ex-Officio member – The immediate past-president of the association shall fulfill the responsibilities of the Ex-Officio member which shall include serving as a member of both the National Junior Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, advising the President on matters of function of the National Board, providing perspective and continuity to each new board officer, and other duties prescribed by the president and JBAA Advisory Committee.

    3. 1st Vice President's Duties – One of the six board members shall be elected the duties of Vice-President. In the absence, disability or inability of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President, and shall perform such other duties as the President shall from time to time prescribe. 

    4. Secretary – One of the six board members shall be elected secretarial duties at the first meeting of each newly elected National Junior Board of Directors. This member shall attend all meetings of the members and of the National Junior Board of Director and shall record or cause to be recorded all votes taken and the minutes of all proceedings and submit them to the BAA for permanent archives. The secretary shall perform like duties for the committees when requested to do so.

  • Article IX

    Meetings The National Junior Board of Directors and JBAA Advisory Committee shall hold three meetings annually.

    1. Annual Meeting – The annual meeting of the National Junior Board of Directors shall be held at such time and place as may be fixed by the Executive Committee of the organization for the purpose of electing officers of the organization and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before the meeting. Traditionally, the meeting shall be held in conjunction with the National Junior Braunvieh Show.

    2. Additional Meetings – The National Junior Board of Directors and the JBAA Advisory Committee shall also meet two additional times each year: traditionally in conjunction with the spring and fall BAA committee meetings.

    3. Special Meetings – Special meetings of the National Junior Board of Directors may be held at such time and place as may be designated in the notice, whenever called in writing by the direction of the president or by a majority of the National Junior Board of Directors.

    4. Meeting Format – The National Junior Board of Directors and JBAA Advisory Committee may participate in and hold such meetings by means of conference telephone, video conference, or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other.

    5. Notice of Meetings – Written, printed or electronic notice of all meetings stating the place, date, and hour of the meeting, and in the case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is being called, shall be delivered in advance before the date of the meeting, either in person, by mail or by email, at the direction of the president or person calling the meeting, to all members entitled to vote at such meeting.

    6. Quorum – A majority of the six (6) members of the National Junior Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but if at any meeting of the National Junior Board of Directors there may be less than a quorum present, a majority of those present may adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum shall be present.

  • Article X


    All money raised by the Association shall be held by the BAA, but a separate accounting will be maintained, and these funds will be used for such purposes as shall be agreed upon by the Executive Committee of the Association and the JBAA Advisory Committee.

  • Article XI

    Amending the By-Laws 

    The constitution of the organization may be amended at the annual meeting of the National Junior Board of Directors by two-thirds vote of the board members present, provided a quorum of the board members and a minimum of three members of the JBAA Advisory Committee is in attendance.

  • Article XII


    Any and all show protests are not to be the responsibility of the JBAA Board of Directors or the JBAA Advisory Committee. Protests are to be presented to the BAA representative present at the show, who will in turn notify the BAA Show and Sale Committee of the protest and request that a decision be made.

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