Mini Braunvieh cattle will be registered in the Braunvieh herdbook by the percentage of Braunvieh they have, same percentages of full-size cattle will apply to miniatures. To be registered as a Mini Braunvieh, one parent/grandparent in a 3-generation period must already be registered as a Mini Braunvieh (have z prefix). The performance records from Mini Braunvieh could influence the performance of normal-sized cattle from the same bloodlines. For an animal to be shown in a Mini Braunvieh special class, they must measure the Maximum height allowed to be shown in these classes, which is 45” on females and 48” on bulls and steers. Any animal exceeding the height limit will not be eligible to show in the Mini Braunvieh special class but can show as a Beefbuilder.
Revised as of January , 2024
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